Are you done creating your next music release but you are not sure how to about it? Here, we’ve compiled a few tips to help guide you towards a successful release.
An elaborate marketing plan plays a vital role in the overall success of your next release, be it a single, an EP or an album. Define your strategy and set timelines for all your marketing efforts ahead of time.
An EPK is a quick and easy way for someone to see all the important information about you in one place. It is essentially your resume as an artist. So ensure it is updated and includes your updated bio, shows, notable press, recent stats across socials and streaming platforms and information about your next release.
It is important your distributor understands your goals and has the technical expertise to produce significant results. It is also important you submit your music early enough like 4 – 5 weeks to pitch your music to Apple Music, Spotify, and other digital service providers (DSPs).
Your release assets must meet the standard requirements. Ensure your assets are in the following format before submission; Audio files must be high-quality .wav files and album artwork must be square size, 3000X3000 pixels.
This is a good marketing strategy and tool for driving fan engagement and activity before your official release.
Keep your header and profile photo up to date across all digital and social platforms. Ensure your choose images that align with your brand and recent music. Add streaming link and CTA to listen.